How to restore the skin damaged during the summer and prepare it for colds?

The warm summer has invisibly changed for the autumn. We have plenty rested, sunbathed and swum. It is difficult to believe that a month later it will be wet and freezing. So, let us laze in the last warm beams of the sun, enjoy the quiet evenings and cherish the pleasant summer memories.

The warm summer has invisibly changed for the autumn. We have plenty rested, sunbathed and swum. It is difficult to believe that a month later it will be wet and freezing. So, let us laze in the last warm beams of the sun, enjoy the quiet evenings and cherish the pleasant summer memories.

If you had prepared your face and body for the sunbaths, the reflection in mirror will satisfy you: the refreshed complexion, the suntanned and younger body. But for the unprepared skin the sun may become a disaster.

The carelessness results in red spots, exfoliation, pigmentation. The excess of the sun and marine baths causes rapid ageing and dehydration of the skin.

Let us talk about chances to recover the damaged skin and prepare it for colds.

Rough to the touch and flaky skin is usually the dry skin, which requires more care. Begin recovery of the dry skin with gentle peeling, performed once a week, preferably, in the evening. A delicate Pulanna Ginseng Peeling for Face is a good choice. It is the ideal cleansing preparation for all skin types, but it is especially good for the dry and sensitive skin. Soft, insensible polymer pellets remove dead cells and cleanse pores without damaging or stretching the skin.

Как восстановить пострадавшую после лета кожу и подготовить ее к холодам?

After rinsing the face with cool water, let’s take up the next important stage – toner. Women pay little attention to toner, though this is totally wrong. Toner prepares the skin for the follow-up care. Thanks to it, the skin absorbs and binds necessary components that contain in creams. A good option for dry, flaky skin is the toner based on green tea – Pulanna Green Tea Balancing Toner, which contains no alcohol, refreshes the skin, boasts anti-inflammatory properties, reduces pores.

The next stage – application of cream. The most important thing is to choose the correct cream. It must be moisturizing and nourishing. In order to recover the skin over-dried in the sun we recommend the cream from the same series as the peeling – Pulanna Ginseng Cream.

Как восстановить пострадавшую кожу после лета и подготовить ее к холодам?

The series contains ginseng extract. The history of medicine does not know any other medicinal plant, which is so highly praised. Ginseng has been worshipped for thousands years. In Chinese written language the plant is denoted in hieroglyphs where „gin“ is a man, “seng” – a root. Ginseng is called a wonder of the world and the heavenly herb of eternity.

Вытяжки из дикого женьшеня усиливает сопротивляемость кожи к вредным воздействиям окружающей среды, стимулируют регенерацию кожной ткани, дают ей необходимые питательные и увлажняющие элементы, придают ей жизненную силу, восстанавливают и сохраняют ее молодость и свежесть.

Extracts from wild ginseng intensify the skin resistance to harmful effects of the environment, promote the regeneration of skin tissue, giving it necessary nourishing and moisturizing substances, vitality, recovering and preserving the skin juvenility and freshness.

Ginseng Winter Cream – a special cream for facial skin protection against freezing colds contains, in addition to ginseng, extracts of peony, dan gui, hyaluronic acid, E vitamin. The cream forms protective layer on the skin and protects it from harmful effects in the cold seasons. It has proved to be excellent protection for all lovers of mountain-skiing.

The series based on green tea is the ideal compliment to facials. Green tea is notorious for its unique pharmacologic properties, known as one of the most important healing plants in the Chinese folk medicine. It contains plentiful of diverse bio-active substances, micro-elements and vitamins.

Night cream for face Pulanna Sebum Control Night Cream can be used as a day cream in cold weather. While day cream is good for use in the evening, as a moisturizer, without a risk of „freezing“ the skin.

Major tips for skin care:

  • A care should match the type of your skin and age
  • Any skin, regardless of its type and season, needs moisturising
  • Make sure to use toner for recovery of pH of the skin after washing and before applying cream
  • Always protect skin from the environmental impacts. The use of day protective cream (base for makeup) and night recovering cream is a must.
  • Regularity is the key word.